Friday, March 27, 2009

Revising My Self Image

I had a nice visit with my dad. It felt good to be able to help both him and his partner. It was also was a relief to see that he's still his funny, loving, occasionally obnoxious self. He's doing his schtick with the nurses and loves entertaining them. He also seems to be adjusting to his vision limitations and not running into things as often. While I was there a couple of my brother's friends (who have met my dad) sent a package of food from Russ and Daughters deli in NY - 4 different kinds of smoked fish, bagels and bialys, two kinds of cream cheese and two kinds of herring. My dad was very moved - and I may have to try their chopped liver.

The most remarkable part of the visit was what I learned about my family - and my role in it. I have always seen myself as the difficult child. The "identified problem" in family systems theory. According to my dad, however, I was just a normal teenager, but my brother was "truly a pain in the ass." What?!? He described my brother as demanding and arrogant and again called him a pain in the ass. I had NO IDEA, and once again need to revise my view of myself.

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