Friday, February 20, 2009

The World Has Stopped Turning

The world has stopped turning.

My father couldn't figure out where to put a spoon in the dishwasher today.

How can this have happened? A week ago he was diagnosed with brain cancer with a little more than a year to live. Now he can't navigate his kitchen.

I have stepped into the Twilight Zone - a show I always hated precisely because it made me feel crazy and disoriented like I'd entered a Fun House at a small town fair - and I never understood why anyone thought those were fun. They were horrible and disconcerting, with an sharp edge of menace, like clowns. Disorienting like when you look up suddenly and everything familiar seems foreign just for a second or two. But much, much worse, because this is real. Unspeakably real.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't have the right words to say what I mean, but I'm so sorry to hear about your father. My thoughts are with you.