Friday, September 19, 2008


Last night I googled the "Jesus was a community organizer" bumper sticker. I chose to follow a couple links to conservative sites, because I really want to find something in common with folks who disagree with me politically. There are some Republicans with whom I can talk rationally - my cousin is one - but they are few and far between.

One of the people with whom I could talk was a teacher at a rural school where I worked for several years. During the 2004 election, I took several trips to Wisconsin and Iowa to knock on doors for Kerry. Everyone on the faculty knew I was traveling, and for which side. One of the teachers was very vocal about being a Republican - and the other teachers tried to stir up fights between us - I'm sure it would have been entertaining for them. Much to their disappointment, though, he and I agreed on a lot of issues. We both believe in the importance of the 1st amendment and the separation of church and state, for instance.

I'll admit to feeling somewhat shocked when I brought up the church and state issue and he said, "Only crazy people want to get rid of that." Clearly I don't give people enough credit.

That was driven home again last night. I attended a focus group for the Unitarian Church to which we belong. We're searching for a new minister and the search committee needed some clarity about what the congregation wants. There's often been a conflict between some of the people who have been members for 25 years or so and the newer members. One of the women I think of as part of the "old guard" attended the same group as I, and I was surprised when I heard her say some of the same things I've been saying for a couple years about our congregation: "We like to think that we are involved in social justice issues when we throw money at things, but we're not really."

I was also thinking about middles today because I've received some positive feedback at work, and I don't know how to talk about that. I feel proud of myself, but don't want to brag or be arrogant. I also don't want to downplay my accomplishments. It feels a little bit like trying to find a path through alligator-infested waters - on one side is vanity, pride and arrogance and on the other is false pride and self-denigration. There's gotta be something in the middle. I'll let you know if I find it.

1 comment:

Nick said...

That last middle ground you talk about is very difficult. I've wrestled with it for years and still don't navigate it well. I think much of the difficulty is a concern over the sensibility(ies) of the listener(s).