Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sometimes the path isn't clear at all. Then sometimes....

A couple days ago one of my Debtors Anonymous sponsees, who's struggling with the concept of a higher power and prayer, asked me to share with him any prayers that I liked and found helpful. I sent one I wrote, but added that the best prayers anyone ever taught me were "Please" and "Thank you."

Yesterday while cooling down from running I realized I needed to correct that. The prayer I find the most helpful, and pray the most, is "Show me the path, and give me the willingness to walk it. And you're going to have to make the path really, REALLY clear so I don't miss it."

Last night my wife brought home some old magazines from the office - a couple of issues of Tricycle, which is a Buddhist magazine (I've been dancing around the idea of starting to practice meditation for awhile now). There is a 28-day Commit to Sit challenge in the magazine about beginning to meditate, which I was reading this morning over breakfast.

Then I heard Sarah Palin's voice on the radio, greeting the screaming crowds in Colorado.

I decided in the interest of my sanity that I needed to take a vow not to talk about anything but work while I was at work today - because if I did, I would either start to cry or scream. I am so disgusted that Obama is behind in the polls. And, as I told my wife, it just confirms my belief that most people in this country are *&^%$@# idiots.

I started driving to work only to be cut off by someone who pretty clearly saw me and decided to jump in front of me anyway. I leaned on my horn. She stuck her hand out and waved. Behind my rolled up car windows, I called her - you guessed it - a *&^%$@# idiot. When I turned onto Main Street and rolled up to a red light, I watched the truck in front of me come up to it and roll right through the red. What a jerk.

THEN - a car to my left honked. The guy was gesturing to me to stop. I thought "What the *&^%$@# does he want? Maybe he wants to get in front of me. Fine, whatever." He merged in front of me - behind the truck that had run the light. Then he turned his flashers on to pull the guy over.

I started grinning and if the cop had made eye contact with me again I would have blown him a kiss. I couldn’t help but laugh - it's pretty clear to me this morning that being angry, bitter, and thinking everyone's a *&^%$@# idiot is not the path the universe wants me to take.

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